Doteasy Commerce
Bulk Uploading of Images > Thumbnail Generator

The Thumbnail Generator will generate thumbnail images for all JPG and PNG image files. The thumbnail generator will only work correctly (ie. associate the correct image with the correct product) if the image file name matches the Product ID.

1. Click on the Thumbnail Generator option under the Categories & Products menu.

2. Click on the Scan Folder button to begin the process.

3. The Thumbnail Generator will advice you the number of files in your "/images/products" directory and how many of these files are associable with a product in your Doteasy Cart.

Note: An image will be associated with a product if the image file name is the same as the Product ID. For example, an image named my_bike.jpg will be associated with a product with a Product ID my bike.

4. Click on the Generate Thumbnails button to continue on to the next step.

5. The Thumbnail Generator will generate the thumbnail images for you.

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