Doteasy Commerce
Global Cart Settings > Security Settings

This section allows you to manage the following information: Cookie Prefix, User Session Timeout, Order Timeout, Account Blocking on failed payment transaction, Number of hours Account is Blocked, Number of time Account Access can fail before access is denied, etc.

1. Click on the Global Cart Settings option under the Cart Settings menu. This will open the Global Cart Settings page.

2. Click on the Security Settings link.

The Security page will open, as shown in the figure below.

3. Enter in the required information, including Security Mode, Security Cookies Prefix, Security User Cookie Timeout, Security Order Cookie Timeout, Security Account Blocking, Security Account Blocking Attempts, Security Account Blocking Hours, Security Display Clean Payment Page, and Security Admin Time Out.

4. When you are ready, click on the Save Changes button.

   A confirmation message will appear at the top of the Security Settings page.

Next: Global Cart Setting > Bestsellers Settings