Doteasy Commerce
Products Management > Digital Downloads

The Digital Download feature allows you to sell downloadable items to your customers. You can activate this feature via the Digital Products section in Global Cart Settings. Once you have activated the feature, you will find the Digital Product Properties section in your Product (Insert) and Product (Update) pages.

1. Expand the Digital Product Properties section on the Products (Insert) or Products (Update) page.

2. Check the Is this a digital download option to classify the product as a digital download.

3. Use a FTP client to upload the digital product to your account. Upload the file into the /content/download folder.

4. In the Enter here path to digital product file field, enter the relative path to the file on the server. For example, if the full file path is /content/download/books/story.pdf, enter books/story.pdf.

5. Click on the Save changes button when you are ready.

Next: Bulk Uploading of Products